I am delighted we have this time to visit. I know we both have one very important common interest, we care that all little ones learn proper manners. If our little ones learn early, the lessons will follow them to every play date, to every classroom, to every dinner table, to every social occasion! We must start early, just like my grandmother did!
In the words of my dearest friend, Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Life be not so short but that there is always time for courtesy.” And courtesy starts at home. May I suggest you and your family sit for a spell, and connect with your beautiful little princesses; help them learn marvelous manners, the rules of etiquette, and the social skills they will need to lead a happier, most civilized life. They’ll even have fun indeed!
Parents, grandparents, and friends we must teach our precious children manners and the rules of etiquette if we want them to succeed in polite society. Your children need you. And for those who say children don’t listen to their parents what codswallop! Children do follow our lead, so let’s set a good example, shall we?
Why are manners and etiquette important? Having marvelous manners and knowing what the rules of etiquette are will help them live a more confident and comfortable existence as they face life’s challenges. Most importantly, it will help them to lead a more thoughtful life, a smashing goal and objective! Learning essential social skills will better prepare them for everything. Indeed, having these skills leads to an average 11 % point gain in our children’s academic performance compared to those children who did not receive the same lessons. Better grades, better citizens, better community members how marvelous!
Social skills hold hands with manners as they go for their daily walks. Manners make life so much more pleasant, don’t you agree?
Children love to learn. We love to teach manners. What a winning combination.
All you need is my game and you are on your way to a wonderful discovery of Kindness Kingdom and its fairies, princesses, neighborhoods, funny questions, interesting multiple choice answers and a path to the tea party on the lawn of Courtesy Castle! Come along! Visit the online store and invest in this game for all the little girls you know.
My friend, Queen Esther, tells me she reads the game cards at dinner when young ones and teenagers visit! Now that’s a thought, you can do the same!
In addition, choose from one of these fun activities below to engage and excite them!
Thank you for stopping by and may the sweet influence of manners gladden your home and make it a place of unfailing cheeriness!
With Marvelously Good Thoughts,

PS: For those of you who are engineers, scientist, and seekers of proof, a comprehensive analysis of thirty-three studies found teaching children social and emotional skills is indeed important.