Thoughtful Thank You Notes
Thoughtful Thank You Notes: Using the back side of your children’s latest art work as stationery, practice writing thank you notes to send to friends and family.
Remind your child that thank you notes can be sent for nice gestures (for returning my library book; for driving me to soccer practice; for inviting me for a play date) as well as gifts.
Explain the elements of a good thank you note and have your child write one. If your child is too young to write, ask her to dictate a thank you letter to you.
Letters start with a properly polite salutation, “Dear______,”
The first sentence should show your enthusiasm for the person, the event, the gift that you are thanking them for.
The next sentence should say “thank you” and mention specific thing given.
The next sentence tells what you plan to do with the gift or something nice about the person’s generosity and thoughtfulness.
The next sentence makes a connection with the giver of the gift.
Thank you again.
Include a closing like “sincerely,” “yours truly,” “fondly,” or “love.”
Don’t forget to mail the note!
Here is a sample:
Dear Auntie Mary,
How did you know pink is my favorite color? Thank you so much for the
beautiful pink purse. I plan to use the purse when I wear my favorite
pink dress and visit grandma at Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to see you at
Thanksgiving too. Thank you again, the purse is divine.
Marvelously Well-Mannered Mannered Princess-in-Training